Search Here to See the Best Price Available for Your Whiskey Bottle

About the Whiskey Library

Search. Save. Sip

We, like you, love our whiskey. We love trying every bottle and found we were spending hours finding the best places and right prices to buy each bottle. So we started The Whiskey Library, a search engine for whiskey bottles at the best prices.

We scour the internet to find whiskey bottles at the best prices and factor in the shipping rates so you don’t have to. Bourbon is our passion and we were spending too much time trying to find whiskey online or adding bottles to our carts only to find the retailers were hiding a lot of their costs in the shipping price. We created the to break through these barriers and save you time by displaying only the best prices, all things included.

Whether you buy your whiskey online or at your local liquor store, we hope you will find another great tool in building your whiskey bottle library.